For example, you can create your pages on Google Sites and share the site with the members of your group. You can also store your files on the site by attaching files to pages on the site. If you’re just looking for a place to upload files so that your group members can download them, we suggest you try using Google Docs. You can upload files and share access with either a group or an individual, assigning either edit or download only access to the files.
Starting in January 2011, Groups will no longer allow the creation or editing of files and pages; the content will only be available for viewing, and only existing files will be able to be downloaded. If you would like to keep the content currently on the pages and files sections of your group, we highly encourage you to export and migrate it to another product. In February 2011, we will turn off the pages and files features, and you will no longer be able to access that content.
To make this move easier for you, we have enabled zip-download functionality to export all the pages and files from your group easily. You can access this tool by clicking "Download all pages" and "Download all files" feature on the pages and files homepages of your groups.
Thanks for taking the time to read this announcement and for using Google Groups.
The Google Groups Team
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